Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Are Democrat/Liberals Infected With A "Lying Gene?"

Some, but not all, Democrats are the new "Serial Liars" of the Universe.  Case in point.  POTUS, recently, went on record as agreeing that Gitmo is necessary for the swift and fair trials for inmates charged with acts of terrorism.  But we all remember Candidate Obama,and even President Obama, waxing poetic about the world picture of Gitmo as an American Gulag where inmates were abused, tortured and deprived of liberty and justice.  Listening to him now, he seems to take all credit for the existence of Gitmo and extolls it as the proper venue for bringing terrorists to justice.  It appears that November, 2011 had more of an impact than thought by even the more enthusiastic Republicans.

But, President Obama's flip-flops sadden me not only because it exposes his lack of experience and credibility, but also because it signals the entire world, and especially our enemies, that a "pushover' now occupies the Oval Office.  As a long time Democrat (but not now), the comparison between Obama and past Democrats--the JFK's; RFK's; HST's; FDR's; Adlai Stevensons; Hubert Humphries; Tip O'Neills is so odious that I fear for the existence of the Two Party System which has served the USA so well.

What also concerns me is that with the greatest of ease, I can Google up Teddy Roosevelt's and US Grant's Birth Certificates, not to mention those of JFK, RFK, FDR and Millard Fillmore, although with respect to Fillmore, I would have to make a nominal contribution to the equivalency of his "Presidential Library.

Yet, I run into a blank wall when I try to Google up "..Birth Certificate of President Obama."  Why is this so?  What is being hidden?  Here re some questions for Obama supporters to ponder:

1.    In his books, President Obama tells about his visits to Pakistan, Kenya and Indonesia.  The dates
       he cites for the visit to Pakistan, coincide with a US State Department embargo for travel to Pakistan  by

       citizens.  In short, Obama could not possible have travelled to Pakistan during the embargo period
       without being literally stopped at a US Border; he could not possibly have travelled using a US
       Passport.  So, the question: Is he mistaken about the dates; did he evade the embargo--a felony; did
       he use a different country's passport.  It is interesting to note that no copy of his US Passport for that
       period is available for perusal.

2.   Why are all of Obama's records as an Illinois State Senator "missing?"  (not my word but that of the
       State Senate Majority leader).

3.   Where are his school records for the first 10 years of his life.  I, and probably all reading this, have
      boxes of these records pertaining to our children; report cards; teacher comments; first day at school
      photos; autograph albums; recital folders, etc.  But it is as if Obama never went to school.

4.   Copies of Obama's applications for admission to Occidental College; Columbia University; Princeton
      University; Harvard University.  Occidental College records have been sequestered by a team of Obama
      Attorneys that would make the ACLU look like a para-legal group.  He was appointed as Editor of
      The Harvard Law Review, but no record exists about how the appointment came about.  In all other
      appointments to that prestigious position, there is a clear paper trail of scholarly articles and essays which
      establish the credentials for such appointment.  But, in Obama's case, the trail is so cold, that even the
      most experienced of Apache Scouts would give up.

5.   Copies of Ann Dunham's (Obama's mother) divorce from Obama's father;  copies of Ann Dunham's
      marriage to Soetoro, Obama's step father; Obama's adoption papers by Soetoro.  It is clear he
      used the name Barry Soetoro and, in a 2008 photo article by TIME (Man of the Year) he, Obama, is
      quoted as saying he prefers to be called "Barry."  That he lied on his application for admission to the
      Illinois State Bar is unquestioned.  He attested, under oath, that he has "..Never been known by any
      name but Barack Obama"--he stands damned by his own words.  

To all Democrats, 99% of which clearly love this country, ask yourself this single question:

It is very clear that Rush Limbaugh has been on the President's case re the question of the authenticity of Obama's Birth Certificate to such an extent that it has become as painful as a boil on your you-know-what.

Why doesn''t Obama get a certified copy of his Birth Certiciate and tell Rush to "...Stick it where the sun don't shine."  I would do that and, I suspect, so would you.  Why doesn't Obama?

Perhaps, to paraphrase those immortal words of William Buckley, he of "God And Man At Yale" fame--"What ain't--Can't be!"

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

High School Sports

A pox on HS Sports.  School was never intended to have, as a core part of the curriculum, participation in Interscholastic Sports.  Ever hear of any of our Founding Fathers playing Interscholastic Sports?  No!  And you never will. Even Socialist/Communist revisionists will never review American history from a sports perspective.  I will repeat:  Our Founding Fathers, those extremely intelligent men with the foresight to pen the most important document ever recorded by a free society, NEVER played basketball, football, baseball, lacrosse, bowling, squash, wrestling, cheer leading, hockey, or what have you while in High School.  School was reserved for, and dedicated to, learning--not fooling around.  Which is why our High School attendees fail so miserably when compared to their peers in other, developed countries. Firing all those "coaches", eliminating all that equipment, all that transportation, field/court maintenance, etc.,  would lower school costs and TAXES by at least one-third.  Add to that the savings which would accrue when all those ego-driven parents send their "blue chip" children to private schools and taxes would be lowered by another third.

Fewer students translates into smaller classes-faster learning-more attention by teachers to each student.  High Schools are not minor league farms for US colleges.  High schools should not be feeding professional type athletes to universities which have athlete graduation rates of between 20-30%, and which pay their coaches 5X what they pay the President or the Dean or Department Heads.

And why should High Schools provide an atmosphere in which sports are extolled while academics linger far behind.  Ever hear of an All Star Chemist; Physicist; Mathematician..??  Yet, if a student scores 30 points in a basketball game, he is labeled "All Star" despite having a 2.0 GPA. And in far too many High Schools, even with a 1.0 GPA.  There are very. very few US High Schools which have a "No Pass-No Play" policy.  Most have a "Play and don't worry about Passing" policy.

As a result, in an international High School mathematics competition, the USA was ranked 24 of 25. We beat out Mexico but only, I susprct, because the exam was given in English.

Interscholastic Sports contribute to the Dumbing Down of America.  And they are acing the course.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Until recently, I always thought that intelligent politicians (now an Oxymoron?), would look-over the potential candidates from the "other" party and focus on those who they believed to be the most incompetent; the "natural" losers; those with incoherent messages; those who private polling predicted had no chance to win anything.

The shrewed politicians would then begin to spread favorable stories, items, tid-bits, news plants about these " losers' in the hope that the other party would then really select them as their candidates--sort of killing with faint love.  If one party can get the other party to put forth, as candidates, those who are "losers", well. then, somewhere along the election trail they would commit so many gaffs that they would be sure to lose the election.  Witness Quayle with potatoes, etc.

But, I guess times have changed.  Today, Democrats are pulling out every stop to prevent Sarah Palin from being on the 2012 ballot.  Ever stop to wonder why?  They're afraid of her and what she stands for.  They know that she could and would win.  Every political pundit Democrat, Republican, Independent--what have you, knows that if McCain had unleashed her on Obama and Biden, it would be President McCain today and Obama would be running for Mayor of Chicago, not Rahm "The Fish" Emmanuel.

There's a new paradigm in politics.  "..Attack what you fear--destroy it ab-initio--kill it in the "womb."

So, rather than allowing Sarah to make the gaffs they "know" she'll make and thus destroying herself, they attack, and attack, and attack hoping to drive her off he ballot. 

If she's so incompetent, why not praise her ever so gently; encourage her to run; encourage those "dastardly" Republicans to make her their point person.  Then step back and watch her disintegrate--watch her being laughed off the stage-stand tall in the comparison between Sarah and your candidate.  Gosh, if Sarah is everything the Democrats say about her, they should be setting up an election fund to enable her to run for office.

But we all know why she's being attacked so.  She's is the Democrats' worst nightmare come true; she's Freddy on the Democrats' "Elm Street"; She's the next President of The United States--she will be POTUS in 2012.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

WHAT-IF-The Empire State Building Got Religion.

Ah!  The Empire State Building--the pride of NYC-that massive structure which epitomizes the grandeur of New York--well, past grandeur.

It is now a pawn in the hands of those who extol the virtues of a team which is part of an entity--the NFL, the constant and ever protective refuge of rapists, womanizers, dog killers, pistoleros, sires (not fathers) of multiple children via multiple mothers, and of many, whose most publicized photos are on the wall of the local Post Office.

The Empire State Building, recently, was aglow in green lighting proclaiming to the world that NYC is Jet's Country forgetting, of course, that the team is quartered in an plays in, New Jersey.

But when that stately building had the chance to glow in a different color--a color honoring Mother Teresa it took a pass (no pun intended).

And the terrorists took down the World Trade Towers.   What a mistake!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

WHAT-IF-Abortionists Had Same-Minded Mothers

Ever stop to wonder why N.O.W., Self-Parenthood, and all those other Pro-Choice (read Pro-Abortion) organizations have members whose I.Q. relates to the number on the backs of NFL Quarterbacks??  Ponder the following:

Open Letter to All Pro-Abortionists:

How many people would be walking with crutches had Dr. Jonas Salk's mother been an abortionist?

Where would the world be today if Mary had aborted Jesus?

Would George Washington have been the "Father of Our Country" had his mother been a member of N.O.W.?

Can you imagine a world without Madame Curie?

How about Nancy Pelosi's mother?   Or Harry Reid"s mother? Oops!  An argument FOR abortion.

How about Martin Luther King's mother?

How about Pres. Obama's mother?

How about Abraham Lincoln's mother?

By now, (no pun intended), even intelligence-challenged members of N.O.W. get the drift.  That they live because their mother's valued life over all other things.  Perhaps some of the N.O.W. members will emulate their mother's.  But don't bet the family farm on that.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

WHAT IF--U.S. Education Practices Were To Change?

Does your blood boil when you read about another American company outsourcing some of their best paying jobs?  Does it bring to mind that the U.S. is no longer the manufacturing center of the world; that we no longer make televisions or cameras in the U.S.: that if it weren't for Honda and Toyota, very few autos would even be assembled in the U.S?  Why is this so?

We have become a nation of "Service Providers"; a nation of clerks; a nation of lawyers; of bankers; of teachers.  A recent poll of New York State high school seniors revealed that 79% had ambitions to teach.  And of that number, 55% wanted to teach "Special Education".  In a recent 10th grade Honors Social Studies class, the students were asked to comment on the subjects--the professions-they hoped to pursue in college.  Student after student rose and proudly proclaimed they would major in "Education".  When my granddaughter said she hoped to get into Medical School, the student next to her said "..why would you want to work so hard"?  Because my granddaughter was wise beyond her years, she responded, "..When you do something you like, it's not really work."

That interchange set me to looking into the state of education in the U.S.  What I found was upsetting and was a clear omen about our country's future.

During the last 10 years, U.S. colleges/universities awarded 16% of their degrees in the natural sciences or engineering.  In South Korea and China, for example, such awards were 38% and 47%, respectively.  The U.S. now ranks 27th among "developed" nations in the proportion of students receiving undergraduate degrees in science or engineering

In a 2008 International Testing Project, U.S. high school seniors placed last, or near last, in almost every major subject.  We did beat out Mexico in mathematics but, I suspect that was because the tests were given in English.

Of course we can't put all the blame on the students. From 1970 to 1995, Federal support for research in the physical sciences, as a fraction of GDP, declined 54%; in engineering, it declined 51%.  As of late, annual Federal spending on mathematics, the physical sciences and engineering equals only "..the increase in health-care costs every 9 weeks."  At the rates noted above, it won't be too long before we will have enough teachers to provide every student with a 1 to 1 teacher/student ratio.  But of one fact we can be absolutely certain--the teachers won't be teaching and the students won't be learning physics, math, chem, or all those other "worthless" subjects which are so difficult and make you work so hard.

Our loss signifies a rosy future for India; Pakistan: Bangladesh: Maylasia, and even Mexico and Canada.

This is what happens to a culture which dictates that every "worthwhile" student "must" attend college and which demands that every student receive an "A" or that colleges simply rate students on a "pass/fail" basis or insists, that to make students "feel good", universal tests, such as State Regents Examinations, establish 55% as a passing grade.

My grandchildren will all major in the physical sciences and/or engineering and by doing so they will have learned the truth about that old adage "..In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King."

Sunday, January 2, 2011

What If Judges Were Fair and Just

Recently, the Mainstream Media reported on the suicide of Bernie Madoff's son.  During the reporting cycle, all the old charges against Madoff, the Ponzi King, were repeated over and over ad nauseum.  Most of the writers expressed glee over Bernies's 150 year sentence and praised the U.S. Judicial System which put him away for all time. Not one "reporter" even touched on the greed of those who invested in Madoff's ponzi scheme; not one reporter mentioned that time-honored  and always correct adage--"..If it looks to good to be true--then it most probably isn't."

Madoff's investors never questioned the fact that they were getting about a 15% return on their investment when every other financial vehicle from bank cd's to money market interest rates to treasury bonds to corporate bonds were providing interest rates in the 1% to 4% range.  What about all those "Certified Financial Planners" who advised their clients to invest in Madoff?  What were they thinking of?  Maybe that's why the financial engines of the U.S. are mostly broken and why we are nearing the financial abyss that is making our Chinese investors so skittish.  

From my point of view, Madoff was a crook.  A very smart, sly, oily crook; but a crook, nevertheless.  But 150 years? 

Dis he steal from the poor?  Did he fleece old people out of their retirement savings?  Did he break open piggy banks and stuff the pennies, nickels and dimes they contained into his underground vaults? No!!  By all accounts he fleeced the very greedy, the very rich--the Ivy League alumni who never earned a dime by their own hard work and sweat.  You don't agree??  Okay! Take a long look in a mirror and repeat after me--"I just read a blurb about a 2011 investment which is "guaranteed" to generate a minimum 15% return at a very low risk level.  Would it be a good idea to take a lot of money from my money market account, currently earning about 1%, but which is my back-up should I lose my job, and invest it in this new financial vehicle?"  If your response is yes, you probably should be sitting in the cell next to Madoff..  If your answer is no, then you might just agree that Madoff's investors--those who shared his 15% dream, should also share his 150 year sentence.

Compare the above with what happened in Vermont not too long ago.    A man was convicted of sexually abusing a now 9 year old girl over a period of about  3 years.  The "Judge" sentenced him to time served and probation.  His reasoning?  The convicted felon was very small in physical stature--about 5" 3" and 125 lbs, and the "Judge" feared that he might not be able to defend himself from the other inmates if he were to be imprisoned.

How do you feel about the U.S. Judicial System now?