Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Are Democrat/Liberals Infected With A "Lying Gene?"

Some, but not all, Democrats are the new "Serial Liars" of the Universe.  Case in point.  POTUS, recently, went on record as agreeing that Gitmo is necessary for the swift and fair trials for inmates charged with acts of terrorism.  But we all remember Candidate Obama,and even President Obama, waxing poetic about the world picture of Gitmo as an American Gulag where inmates were abused, tortured and deprived of liberty and justice.  Listening to him now, he seems to take all credit for the existence of Gitmo and extolls it as the proper venue for bringing terrorists to justice.  It appears that November, 2011 had more of an impact than thought by even the more enthusiastic Republicans.

But, President Obama's flip-flops sadden me not only because it exposes his lack of experience and credibility, but also because it signals the entire world, and especially our enemies, that a "pushover' now occupies the Oval Office.  As a long time Democrat (but not now), the comparison between Obama and past Democrats--the JFK's; RFK's; HST's; FDR's; Adlai Stevensons; Hubert Humphries; Tip O'Neills is so odious that I fear for the existence of the Two Party System which has served the USA so well.

What also concerns me is that with the greatest of ease, I can Google up Teddy Roosevelt's and US Grant's Birth Certificates, not to mention those of JFK, RFK, FDR and Millard Fillmore, although with respect to Fillmore, I would have to make a nominal contribution to the equivalency of his "Presidential Library.

Yet, I run into a blank wall when I try to Google up "..Birth Certificate of President Obama."  Why is this so?  What is being hidden?  Here re some questions for Obama supporters to ponder:

1.    In his books, President Obama tells about his visits to Pakistan, Kenya and Indonesia.  The dates
       he cites for the visit to Pakistan, coincide with a US State Department embargo for travel to Pakistan  by

       citizens.  In short, Obama could not possible have travelled to Pakistan during the embargo period
       without being literally stopped at a US Border; he could not possibly have travelled using a US
       Passport.  So, the question: Is he mistaken about the dates; did he evade the embargo--a felony; did
       he use a different country's passport.  It is interesting to note that no copy of his US Passport for that
       period is available for perusal.

2.   Why are all of Obama's records as an Illinois State Senator "missing?"  (not my word but that of the
       State Senate Majority leader).

3.   Where are his school records for the first 10 years of his life.  I, and probably all reading this, have
      boxes of these records pertaining to our children; report cards; teacher comments; first day at school
      photos; autograph albums; recital folders, etc.  But it is as if Obama never went to school.

4.   Copies of Obama's applications for admission to Occidental College; Columbia University; Princeton
      University; Harvard University.  Occidental College records have been sequestered by a team of Obama
      Attorneys that would make the ACLU look like a para-legal group.  He was appointed as Editor of
      The Harvard Law Review, but no record exists about how the appointment came about.  In all other
      appointments to that prestigious position, there is a clear paper trail of scholarly articles and essays which
      establish the credentials for such appointment.  But, in Obama's case, the trail is so cold, that even the
      most experienced of Apache Scouts would give up.

5.   Copies of Ann Dunham's (Obama's mother) divorce from Obama's father;  copies of Ann Dunham's
      marriage to Soetoro, Obama's step father; Obama's adoption papers by Soetoro.  It is clear he
      used the name Barry Soetoro and, in a 2008 photo article by TIME (Man of the Year) he, Obama, is
      quoted as saying he prefers to be called "Barry."  That he lied on his application for admission to the
      Illinois State Bar is unquestioned.  He attested, under oath, that he has "..Never been known by any
      name but Barack Obama"--he stands damned by his own words.  

To all Democrats, 99% of which clearly love this country, ask yourself this single question:

It is very clear that Rush Limbaugh has been on the President's case re the question of the authenticity of Obama's Birth Certificate to such an extent that it has become as painful as a boil on your you-know-what.

Why doesn''t Obama get a certified copy of his Birth Certiciate and tell Rush to "...Stick it where the sun don't shine."  I would do that and, I suspect, so would you.  Why doesn't Obama?

Perhaps, to paraphrase those immortal words of William Buckley, he of "God And Man At Yale" fame--"What ain't--Can't be!"

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