Saturday, January 22, 2011

WHAT-IF-Abortionists Had Same-Minded Mothers

Ever stop to wonder why N.O.W., Self-Parenthood, and all those other Pro-Choice (read Pro-Abortion) organizations have members whose I.Q. relates to the number on the backs of NFL Quarterbacks??  Ponder the following:

Open Letter to All Pro-Abortionists:

How many people would be walking with crutches had Dr. Jonas Salk's mother been an abortionist?

Where would the world be today if Mary had aborted Jesus?

Would George Washington have been the "Father of Our Country" had his mother been a member of N.O.W.?

Can you imagine a world without Madame Curie?

How about Nancy Pelosi's mother?   Or Harry Reid"s mother? Oops!  An argument FOR abortion.

How about Martin Luther King's mother?

How about Pres. Obama's mother?

How about Abraham Lincoln's mother?

By now, (no pun intended), even intelligence-challenged members of N.O.W. get the drift.  That they live because their mother's valued life over all other things.  Perhaps some of the N.O.W. members will emulate their mother's.  But don't bet the family farm on that.

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